
Senior School (Years 7-11)

Year 7 is an important year where our pupils make the transition into Senior School. Small changes to the school uniform, for example, differentiate these pupils from the younger years.

Year 9 signals the beginning of key stage 4 and is a broad and balanced foundation year for courses to be followed up to age 16. Moving on up the school, pupils are given more responsibility, with one Year 11 pupil being made School Captain and Year 10 and 11 taking roles as prefects. As prefects, pupils have reading buddies in Pre-Prep and take on break and lunchtime duties and librarian roles. Prefects also lead charity initiatives and environmental projects.

Alongside the five core GCSEs, there will be four option choices from a mixture of GCSEs and BTEC  (Level 2 GCSE-equivalent) courses. Further information can be found 'In This Section' by clicking on the link Years 9-11.