

Welcome to Career Development

LGS Stoneygate has a clear commitment to providing Career Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all its students from Year 7 onwards.

The Careers Leader at LGS Stoneygate is Mrs Clare Scott.

Employers/HE and other Providers

  • If you are an employer or HE/FE provider wanting to send us information regarding apprenticeship, job or course opportunities for us to share with our pupils, please feel welcome to contact Mrs Clare Scott, the Careers Leader, at careers@leicestergrammar.org.uk
  • Any hard copy information that you send can be held in the Year 10 and 11 Form rooms
  • A Trust-wide bi-annual Careers Fair is held at Leicester Grammar School and an annual Post 16 Options Fair is held at LGS Stoneygate, to which pupils and their parents are invited to attend. There are also various careers-related talks for pupils and parents during the year, details of which are shared across the Trust. If you’d like to support any of these events, please contact us on the email address above; we would be very pleased to hear from you.

The information below is for Parents and Students:

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Each student through their time at school has access to:

  •  Independent and impartial guidance centred around individual need from a qualified adviser. Booking guidance interviews can be done by emailing the Careers Leader at careers@leicestergrammar.org.uk
  • A structured, broad, balanced CEIAG programme in Years 7-11 that is integrated into the PSHE programme within the school
  • Information to allow the student to make informed choices and decisions through access to career information websites, including Morrisby for Year 10 and 11

Where do I find out what is on offer?

  • Careers Education is introduced via the school PSHE programme
  • Careers events across the Trust are promoted to students and parents via email and Clarion Call.
  • For further information, please contact our Careers Leader, Mrs Clare Scott at careers@leicestergrammar.org.uk

The Career Development Institute breaks down career development learning into 6 key themes. These are as follows:

The careers lessons that pupils follow from Year 7 to Year 11, as well as other opportunities and interventions that are offered as part of the Career Development Programme at LGS Stoneygate, are based around these themes.

Careers Events

All Year 9-11 students and parents are invited to attend an annual Post 16 Options Fair with local Post 16 representatives in Trinity Term Year 9.

Year 9

  • All students offered one-to-one careers guidance meeting with Careers Leader in Lent term with regard to GCSE subject options
  • Parent and students invited to attend GCSE Options evening in Lent term with input from Careers Leader

Year 10

  • All students offered one-to-one careers guidance meeting with Careers Leader in Lent term
  • Students take part in Morrisby Aptitudes assessment (psychometric profiling programme) in Trinity term
  • All students receive one-to-one guidance meeting with external Morrisby trained careers adviser in Trinity term to discuss individual assessment results

Year 11

  • All students offered one-to-one careers guidance meeting with Careers Leader in Advent term
  • Students and parents invited to attend Post 16 Options evening in Advent Term with input from Careers Leader
  • Students offered support sessions regarding Post 16 options and applications/personal statement writing in Advent term
  • Further meetings with Careers Leader available as required regarding Post 16 options in Lent Term

Accessing the Careers Service:

Years 7 – 11:

Pupils have access to careers support with Mrs Clare Scott, Careers Leader, on Thursdays in the Library once a month at the Careers Drop in (advertised via Form Tutors)

Planned 1-1 half-hour guidance meetings are normally held in the Well-Being Room – these will be organised on behalf of students and they will be informed in advance of time and date.

Please note:

  • If a parent wishes to be involved in their child’s careers meeting, this can be arranged if the student is willing – please email the Careers Leader at careers@leicestergrammar.org.uk

Information for LGS Trust Staff:

Information for LGS Trust Staff:

  • Please contact Mrs Clare Scott for details of CPD opportunities in the Careers area of work
  • Careers activities related to areas of the curriculum are shared by the Careers Leader with Heads of Department as appropriate
  • Please contact the Careers Leader if you wish to explore ways to embed careers learning more actively into your subject area