
School Uniform

We are proud to be part of the Leicester Grammar School Trust, and the branding and uniform reflect our association. In line with the Trust’s decision to move away from a ‘Boys’ Uniform’ and a ‘Girls’ Uniform’, we now have ‘Uniform 1’ and ‘Uniform 2’ for Senior School pupils. It is a choice to wear either Uniform 1 or Uniform 2 on a permanent basis, not a combination of both.

Should you have any questions about the uniform policy or about the requirements for either uniform option, you should contact the school office.

Please see the uniform requirements for Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior School below. There is also a separate Sports Kit List for Year 3 to 11.

General rules for all pupils:

  • Pupils should be dressed smartly and should take pride in their appearance.
  • No ostentatious appearance allowed.
  • Coats, scarves, hats and gloves should not be worn once in school.
  • In inclement weather, either the school coat (compulsory for Reception to Year 6) or a plain dark overcoat (Senior School only) may be worn outside.
  • Hair must be neat in style and natural in colour – no ostentatious hair styles or colours allowed.  
  • Long hair must be tied back (in a navy/black hair bobble). No headbands or other decorative head wear.
  • Years 9, 10 & 11 pupils are permitted to wear hair down but must be tied back for certain activities.
  • Face should be clean-shaven unless dispensation is granted for religious purposes
  • A watch may be worn and one pair of stud earrings is allowed  (Senior School pupils only).
  • No jewellery may be worn for games.
  • Make-up (including clear nail varnish) may be worn in Years 10 and 11 but should not be noticeable.
  • School shoes must be black, the type that need to be polished. Trainer like shoes, shoes with flashing lights, bows, toggles or logos are not permitted. No Boots.

Parents please ensure that all clothing and personal items are clearly named with pupil’s name.

Pre-Prep and Prep (Reception up to and including Year 6) have a winter and summer uniform:

  • Winter uniform – worn from October half-term through to the end of Lent term.
  • Summer uniform – worn from Trinity term through to first half of Advent term.

Uniform ordering

The school’s uniform provider is Schoolblazer. Parents can register and order from their website: www.schoolblazer.com.  Schoolblazer have an intelligent sizing system and more information about how this works can also be found on their website.