
Future Plans

Project 21 is an ambitious development plan aimed at improving the buildings and the grounds of LGS Stoneygate. We cherish the beautiful surroundings of LGS Stoneygate, but we also seek to improve certain areas in order to aid teaching and learning.

In the summer of 2021 we re-designed the rooms in the courtyard - this included the extension of the art room which now has a specific ‘research area’ thus enabling our students to explore in greater depth the world of art.

In September 2021 we opened the new, spacious Food Tech room - complete with teaching station and interactive white board. This Food Tech room is now being used by all our pupils.

In the spring of 2021 extensive work began on the grounds of LGS Stoneygate. In the summer of 2021 we opened the lawn tennis courts.

In the spring of 2022 work began on the extension of the current rugby/football pitches. With new cricket nets and practice area which opened in the summer of 2022. Spring 2022 also saw investment and improvement on the existing astro-turf and the netball courts.

Ground staff also worked on the development of the ‘back field’, a new 400m grass track and new rounders zone which opened in the summer of 2023.

We have also invested in our assembly hall (with improved sound, seating and change to the outer shell of the building) as we strive to improve provision for music, drama and the performing arts.

One of the highlights of Project 21 will be the new sports hall. We aim to open this fantastic new facility in 2025. This multi-purpose hall will bring many benefits to the LGS Stoneygate community - both for curricular and co-curricular activities. As the plans show, we also want to improve the car park and the main entrance area to this section of school.